Introducing sellers to developers for the last 10 years .
We maximise land values, with no risk to the owner
Search it.
Utilising modern technology and software, we are able to source ‘off market’ deals for developers and self builders.
We are the choice of many local agents to assist in the sale and promotion of potential land opportunities throughout the Midlands and beyond.
Secure it.
Following initial meetings and discussions we can agree the terms of agreement, all secured through legal process on option agreements.
Plan it.
Pre applications, discussions with planning consultants and local authorities and stakeholders. Surveys are carried out on site, public consultations and the full planning applications are submitted
Sell it.
Once planning is achieved the option agreement are exercised, land owners receive payment within the agreed terms.
Build it.
Local developer is now own board to being the process onsite. In readiness for completion and sales promotion from local agents to sell out the new homes.
Repeat it.
A simple process, with zero risk to land owners. MC Property Land Brokers are constantly looking for new opportunities to promote and develop land.